Drawing · Painting · Photographic Art · Collage Art

The cartoons ought to show the absence of symmetry

A n n e g r e t  H e i n l
broken roads · digital paintings


V O T E 

The project will be donated to the Special Collections 
at the Vanderbilt University Library in Nashville / TN, USA.

A n n e g r e t  H e i n l
Digital drawing on iPad 2020


Arnolfini Mini[e]Mailart No52.


A n n e g r e t   H e i n l
collage: plaster and paper


Projekt: Thierry Tillier

A n n e g r e t  H e i n l
Graphic Scores: 





Il faut cultiver notre jardin 
We must cultivate our garden
Wir müssen unseren Garten pflegen

Voltaire, CANDIDE

Meerkultur e.V. 
Kunsthaus Stove, Mühlenstraße 12, 
23974 Stove, Germany

A n n e g r e t  H e i n l
Digital paintings

gardening February

gardening June

gardening October


Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt No51. 


☛  The Arnolfini Archives' e-mail art projects

A n n e g r e t   H e i n l
edit film still 2020
from the performance  ☛ Red Dots   taken place in Opava 2014


m y  v ie w  f r o m  h o m e   

Since the COVID-19 virus is keeping us closer to home, let’s try to find joy in what we see...or 
what we hope to see. 

A n n e g r e t  H e i n l 
Digital painting (iPad) over a photo: outlook 2020 

©  Annegret Heinl  2020
©  Annegret Heinl  2020
©  Annegret Heinl  2020


Das Buch Fundort Schleswig (letzte Gedichte) von Margot Scharpenberg ist jetzt in der Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft erschienen. 
A n n e g r e t  H e i n l beteiligt sich mit 10 Bildern aus dem Zyklus digitaler iPad Zeichnungen broken roads (2017 - 2019).

Now Margot Scharpenberg’ s book Fundort Schleswig (last poems) is published by Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft. 
A n n e g r e t  H e i n l contributes 10 images from the cycle of digital iPad drawings broken roads (2017 - 2019).


Project of AQUARIUM COMPAGNIE connected to the French program DIS MOI DIX MOTS 

In the line with 
Dis moi dix mots au fil de l'eau 2020 - a program of ministry of culture / France - Aquarium Compagnie presents the work of the artists participating in the project.

The aim of this new project that highlights issues related to water is to get everyone quenching their thirst for words. Because it reassures, disturbs, comforts, inspires, delights, soothes, water is ever present in our lives, a blessing to all humanity. Words closely or remotely referring to water are infinitely rich.
Ten are proposed here, as it might be invitations to travel, reflection, pleasure, poetry. Dive in, immerse yourself in it.

A n n e g r e t  H e i n l  presents:
De Plouf à Ruisseler Von Platsch bis Rinnen From splash to Flow 

Four essays about a visual interpretation of the terms:
Three digital drawings (1 - 3) and a short video film (4). 
Every word is able to open a wide spectrum of imaginations and views. The relationship between language, writing and image involves astonishing chances to understand meaning and importance of a term in its diverse aspects visually.  
Plouf - Platsch - Splash
Ondée - Regenschauer - Shower
Fluide - Flüssig
Ruisseler - Rinnen - Flow -Filmstill

Flow  Version III

MARGINAL STAMPS • International Rubber Stamp Exhibition

R U B B E R  S T A M P  A R T
25. 01. - 23. 02. 2020 in Junín
Buenos Aires, Argentina 

In 2018, HOTEL DADA published 2 issues devoted to rubber stamp activity: HOTEL DADA 12, entitled RUBBER STAMP ART, an large theoretical approach about the theme, and HOTEL DADA 13, RUBBER STAMP ALBUM, an anthological volume which It includes the original stamps art of several international artists. Now, beside the opening a new physical space, we are proud to introduce an international exhibition of rubber stamp. We hope these exhibition constitutes a contribution to the dissemination and recognition of the art of rubber stamps.


A n n e g r e t  H e i n l   
Cologne Cathedral rubber-stamped  2020

Ausstellung / Exhibition Bozen, Bolzano/ I

W o h i n  g e h t  d i e  R e i s e ?   A l l e s  i s t  W e c h s e l w i r k u n g 
24. 01. - 21. 02. 2020

Kooperation mit dem Bonner Künstlerforum

Leonhard Angerer • Darja Eßer • Sibylle Feucht • Christine Gallmetzer • Thomas Grandi 
Annegret Heinl • Hubert Kostner • Susanne Krell • Martine Metzing-Peyre • Sissa Micheli 
Jindeok Choi • Elisabeth Oberrauch • Anuschka Prossliner • Karin Schmuck
Karl Theo Stammer • Sukyung Kim • Lukas Thein

Galerie Prisma. Südtiroler Künstlerbund
Via Weggenstein Str. 12, I-39100 Bozen, Bolzano

Eröffnung: 24. Januar 2020, 19 Uhr
Private View: 24th January 2020, 7 pm
A N N E G R E T  H E I N L  zeigt das Video/ shows the movie
Mountain in Labour Metamorphoses of a Mountain

Südtiroler Künstlerbund
Annegret Heinl