Abschlusspräsentation des Projekts 4/49 DATA FILES
presentation of the project 4/49 DATA
Das Spiel ist vorbei!
Sieben Künstler ließen sieben
Monate lang ihre Bilder rotieren
und von den jeweils anderen bearbeiten und
Annegret Heinl, Deutschland • Brigitte Kohl, Frankreich
Komives, Rumänien • Brigitte Mouchel, Frankreich
Isabel Oestreich, Deutschland • Betsy Tyler-Bell, England
Jean-Pierre Treille, Frankreich
Jetzt zeigt Aquarium Compagnie die Ergebnisse dieses Projekts in
einer virtuellen Ausstellung im Web: Sieben
Originale und ihre
sukzessiven Veränderungen durch die jeweiligen
1 Übersicht • 7 Serien • 49 Einzelbilder • 1 Video
The game is over!
Seven artists let rotate their images and let
them edit and modify by the others for seven months.
Annegret Heinl, Germany • Brigitte Kohl, France
1 Übersicht • 7 Serien • 49 Einzelbilder • 1 Video
The game is over!
Seven artists let rotate their images and let
them edit and modify by the others for seven months.
Annegret Heinl, Germany • Brigitte Kohl, France
Andor Komives, Romania • Brigitte Mouchel, France
Isabel Oestreich, Germany • Betsy Tyler-Bell, United Kingdom
Jean-Pierre Treille, France
Now Aquarium Compagnie shows the results in a virtual exhibition
Isabel Oestreich, Germany • Betsy Tyler-Bell, United Kingdom
Jean-Pierre Treille, France
Now Aquarium Compagnie shows the results in a virtual exhibition
on the web: Seven originals
and their successive changing
by the current interventions.
1 Diagram • 7
series • 49 single pictures • 1 Video
freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
We are
looking forward to your visit!
Aquarium Compagnie http://aquariumcompagnie.blogspot.com/
Seven Times Seven from Annegret Heinl - visual art on Vimeo.
The video represents the result of the interactive project "Digital exploration 7/49" organized by Aquarium Compagnie from January to July 2014. It has been about the question of the differences between original and copy, a digital exploration in form of a game with seven visual artists. The digitalization of the world induces a fundamental change in the meaning so far acquired the differences between original and copy ...
After seven month rotation of 7 original pictures "Seven Times Seven", represents the result of the process empathizing the transformation of the respective pictures created for this project by seven elected artists in seven episodes.
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