Leoš Janáček Gedenkstätte
Smetanová 14, 602 00 Brno, Cz
23. 1. 2014, 17 Uhr /
5 pm
exhibition proves that the interest of plastic artists and musicians in
non-standard presentations of acoustic structures and processes is still life
and present. Two artists with outstanding interest in contemporary music,
Annegret Heinl and Jan Steklík, present possible forms of music resigning from
pragmatic musical notations in favour of open reading and playful aesthetics
without interpretation restraints. Five trembling lines of the stave,
liberal and funny instructions and rhythmic visual structures vibrate meanings
going beyond the frame of conventional music associations and offering the empathic
viewer the possibility to implement his own music in several ways. Music
preceding its notation is a confirmation of the thesis that an artistic
text (work of art) cannot be a mere container of the information. The knowledge
of the possibility of an arbitrary and non-conventional
implementation is probably more than a rigid notation!