M A P P I N G • O N L I N E

Internationales Projekt der Aquarium Compagnie

International Project of Aquarium Compagnie

Orte und Sichten    Sites and Sights    Vues et aperçus
Wo leben wir?     Where do we live?    Où vivons-nous?

 Mapping-Aquarium Compagnie

R o u n d a b o u t   

Usually we take the place where we are living for granted. We don’t really notice our everyday surrounding anymore. We don’t recognize the small changings.
Cologne, the city where I happen to live, is my starting point to describe my circles to the vicinity and the distance. The urban environment is the background of my familiar surroundings. Especially some impressions are very much ingraved in mind. They form my general picture of this town between tradition and modern spirit. It is a composition with different fragments changing. Each of them can be seen as a whole. But returning from far I always enjoy the vivid panorama of Cologne: The Rhein with its bridges crossing the river and the  shipping traffic, the smaller and bigger houses, the old churches and the cathederal over all, famous. On the one hand this view is well known and I am in the middle of it, but on the other hand it is again and again surprising and new. Looking around I find new points of view, I discover and rediscover.
I try to transform these aspects in the multimedia arrangement Roundabout like a map of visual perception.
Be free to travel as an armchair traveller along this map and get an idea of Cologne!

K o n z e p t  des Projekts *

Mapping ist ein internationales Projekt, zu dem Aquarium Compagnie Künstler aus verschiedenen Ländern und Kontinenten eingeladen hat. Ausgangspunkt und Grund-lage des Projekts ist der Ort, an dem der Künstler lebt und arbeitet; seine Arbeit reflektiert sein spezielles Verhältnis zum eigenen Lebensraum. Aquarium Compagnie führt die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven in einem Bildatlas zusammen, um so das Künstlernetzwerk in seinen geographischen, künstlerischen und kulturellen Bezügen visuell zu spiegeln und abzubilden.
* Nach einer Idee von Annegret Heinl und mit Brigitte Kohl zusammen als Projekt für Aquarium Compagnie ausgearbeitet.

C o n c e p t  of the project *

Mapping is an international project, to which Aquarium Compagnie has invited artists from different countries and continents. The place where the participant lives and works is the starting point and base of the project; his creative work presents his relationship to his living environment. Aquarium Compagnie brings the different perspectives together in a pictorial atlas in order to reflect and represent the artists’ network in its geographic, artistic and cultural reference in a visual way.
*According to an idea of Annegret Heinl and developed for a project of Aquarium Compagnie together with Brigitte Kohl

Allemagne • Deutschland • Germany
Renate CHRISTIN / Annegret HEINL / hans w. koch / 
Angleterre • England
Diana BELL / Belinda ELLIS / Helen GANLY / Patrick JEFFS / 
Espagne • Spanien • Spain
Jaume AMIGO / Angiola BONANNI / Oriol TEXIDOR 
France • Frankreich
Jean-Philippe ASTOLFI / Isabelle FACCINI / Anne GUERRANT / 
Brigitte KOHL / MADE / Sarah MONNIER / Yves PERRET / 
Claudine REMY / Évelyne ROGNIAT / Charlie SKUBICH 
Hongrie • Ungarn • Hungary
Sandor Aron KAROLY 
Maroc • Marokko • Morocco
Roumanie • Rumänien • Romania
Eniko LINI / Lucian MUNTEAN / Ioana OLAHUT
Pays-Bas • Niederlande • Netherlands
Jacqueline KOOTER / van Breest Smallenburg 
Pologne • Polen • Poland
Marcin RYCZEK 
Chao-Ming TUNG